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A central hub for the charity has been our dream since day one,” says Jimmy Jukes MBE - the charity’s founder. “The Bay Veterans Hub allows our boys and girls to get off the streets on a daily basis to go somewhere they feel safe and secure in a dry and warm environment. And we’ve now got a permanent base which is easier for them to find us, rather than our teams going out trying to find them when they need help.”

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Building work started in May 2021 on the new Bay Veterans Hub, with 2000 Sq Ft it looked a bit daunting, but as soon as work got underway it became apparently clear this was going to be a project to be proud of

 “We couldn’t have done it without you,” says Jimmy. 


As well as the offices which coordinate the Homeless outreach projects and fundraising, there are a range of rooms and facilities to help our ex-service personnel:


IT Suite – where we can teach people basic computing skills, work on their CVs, apply for jobs online and also enable them to keep in contact with friends and family. 


Relaxation Area – to watch TV and films, or just sit and chat

Canteen Kitchen– Providing refreshments throughout the day, all free of charge

Counselling Room – this is where a lot of services are offered including PTSD support, other forms of counselling, advice on housing, benefits etc, or complementary therapies like reiki. It is sound proofed and so people can speak in complete confidence. (This room is kindly sponsored by Hargold.)


In the near future, there are also plans to have a shower room installed, and a stair lift for those with mobility issues. 

UKH4H is delighted with the feedback that the Bay Veterans Hub has achieved so far.

“If its a big success and the predicted use is at the target level ,

the charity plan is to open up more day Hubs as we go along.” 

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Bay Veterans Hub is 90% completed and is on schedule to open early 2022

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